Increase booking conversion
Increase booking conversion and ultimately business profitability. With Digimentr White Label Platform you can get your own platform in minutes, and offer your customers an experience of the same quality and modernity. Create the platform with your company colors and logo to finish it. If needed we can provide a full integration to your own cargo system.
Receive complete, standardized and detailed container tracking information. From origin to destination, optimize your supply chain across all modes and borders.
Are you ready to embrace digital change?
With the use of the logistics software from Digimentr you will be drive an efficient procurement process across your organization. It will help you opening up a wealth of actionable business insights. Embrace digital change and make space for what matters most for your business! Let us know I which package you are interested in, and we will contact you soon! ➜➜➜
The more you
buy, the more you’ll save.
You can buy your Digimarks now. Your Digimarks expire in 1 year after purchase and will be safely stored in your wallet. It is also possible to let your customers buy Digimarks.